Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reading Notes: Adventures of Balarama and Pradyumna.

Adventures of Balarama and Pradyumna.

Shri Krishna of Dwarka and Other Stories by C. A. Kincaid (1920)

Balarama cutting a new channel

Return to home... journey

Kadamba tree- fragrant
- bowl of liquid in the tree

Wine was in the bowl
-From the godess Sura- wine goddess

Balarama drank all of the wine
-began to dance and sing

Balarama called to the Yamuna river.
River did not obey him
So he cut into it to and made another channel. The river took the form of a woman and then prayed for him to stop. He did not until he found the spot he called for her the first time. 
Then he took a bath. THEN he closed the channel. 

I want to elaborate on this part of the story.

I want to tell the story of the river and the pain she was caused. What she looked like as a human. The interaction between the 2 of them. 

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