Monday, March 11, 2019

Reading Notes Mahabharata Part A

Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara



Only child of a king and queen

The king and queen grieved that they had no son
   why were they upset
   Cuz the son would be an heir

"the sun had finished it's days work"
I like the verbiage

Fell for "prince charming" Satyaban

King and Queen upset at the fact that their daughter is in love with a "penniless and unfortunate King's son"

Priest tells shavitri that satyaban will die in a year and that it is written to be true
She says that "woman's destiny is to love and serve him who is her hearts lord."

The priest pleads on her behalf

The kings allows the marriage

She leaves with her husband to go back to his father

She leaves all luxuries and gifts

So poor they wouldn't always have food

She is persistent - gets her way

Satyaban dies in Savitri's arms

God of death comes to claim him

She pleads with the god of death to give back

She concurs death and gets her husband back

Savitri brata- hindu wives say this so they never become a widow

Bibliogrophy: Sunity Devee, Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara

 Satyaban and Savitri

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