Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part B

Bharata Returns
Bharata informed Bharata of his fathers death
-strong mother
wanted to kill his mother
but spared her

The Funeral
Bharata hosts the funeral of his father

Rama and Bharata
Bharata leaves on his journey to find rama
- Lion King
-Nala goes to Find Simba after Simba has been

The Sandals
Rama does not want to return to Ayodhya
Bharata will take Rama's sandals to represent Rama in ayodhya in his absense
Bharata said he will not return to Ayodhya without Rama

Origin story of Sita.
This could be used in a retall
Kind of like an origin story of a superhero

Sita is abducted by a demon
Wants her to be his wife
He can not be hurt by weapons
Put the demon into a pit

Shurpanakha And Rama
Ravana's sister falls in love with rama
He does not show interest in her
Rama suggests she goes for his brother

Lakshmana and Shurpanakha
Shurpanakha is angered because she felt ridiculed by Rama
She fights them

Battle with Khara
Rama defeats Khara

Ravana and maricha
Ravana wants maicha's help to abduct Sita

Golden Deer
Sita is enchanted by a golden deer
she asks rama to go get the deer
this was ravana's plan

Ravana and Sita
Ravana disguises himself to get close to Sita

Battles with Rama to save sita
drops jewelry to help rama to find her
Hansel and grettle

M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder. Ramayana
PDE Ramayana
Ramayan TV series (Source)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part A

King Dasharatha-
Ayodhya- capital of Koshala
Could be setting of story
Almost like holy land
Not having a son made the King sad
- A male can be a kings only successor. Without a son the King had no one to leave his kingdom to.

Dasharatha's Son
ashwanedha- grant them an heir
21 sacrifices
Gods promised four sons to Dasharatha
- This story was about the sacrifice and ritual that Dasharatha performed to gain an heir. And he got 4
After the 21 sacrifices Dasharatha was given four heirs.
This could lead to issues later

Rama avatar of Vishnu
Vishnu split into 4 as the heir of Dasharatha
Rama is to Jesus as Vishnu is to God???

Their journey was a right of passage
An unforeseen battle awaits...

Sons of Dasharatha would not fight Thataka
Weapons arrive when needed- like Harry Potter
Chamber of secrets- sword appearing when Harry needed it most

Himalayas- holy place
Horse sacrafice
Horse was stolen
60,000 uncles died
I didn't understand this story

I could tell my story in poem form
or include a poem in my story
Love story
A love triangle between a husband wife and Indra

A bow- an earned prize
Almost like only certain people can carry the bow
Sita will go to the one who can bend the bow

Rama wins Sita
Rama wins the challenge
Sita becomes his bride
but the bow snapped

Avatar of Vishnu
Gives rama a test
Rama gains a new weapon

Rama and all his brothers marry girls from the Janaka family

The Heir
Dasharatha needed an heir
He chose Rama

Rama is exiled
Kind of like the Lion King

Dasharatha was cursed to lose his son
He lost Rama
This is Karma

Dasharatha died without his sons

M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder. Ramayana
PDE Ramayana

Ramayan TV series (Source)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Feedback Thoughts


I chose to read Silence the critical voices in your head and How to get past negativity bias. I chose these articles in particular because from first glance the articles seemed relatable. I found these articles to be helpful in the sense that we should all feel comfortable with the feedback that we receive. We should take the feedback that we get and utilize it so that the work that we do is better. It is up to our own discretion to decide what is good feedback and what is not. My goal is to be accepting of the feedback that I receive from my peers and to provide them with feedback that will help them improve their work.

Oprah Winfrey
Feedback meme (Source

Topic Brainstorm

Four Topics

1) Creation Stories- I think this topic will be exciting to work with because I've always been familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. It will be a new experience learning about the creation stories of other faiths. Like what the Project List said, there are as many creation stories as there are gods. I'll need to narrow down my topic because I feel that creation stories is too broad. I might specifically work on Brahma.
Retelling a creation story seems tricky. I want to make sure that I do it justice. That's why I think researching very well is important for this topic because I do not have any prior knowledge.

2)  Ganesha- I chose Ganesha because he is so iconic. He has made his way into western culture and he is probably the God I am most familiar with. Specifically due to the fact that he has an elephant head.
For Ganesha I think I want to tell his story. Talk about how his life was or how he became the one to write the Mahabharata. Maybe something like a biography.

3)Traveling India- I chose this topic because it seemed realistic. Like I could actually plan my trip to India starting now. I have a rough idea of what I want to do when I get an opportunity to go. So I'll incorporate those into my story. Or I'll re-tell a folktale with a modern twist. Like use new landmarks and modern transportation.

4) Food- I chose food because Indian food is my favorite! I know that there are certain foods made on certain holidays and I want to look into that for the project. I could re-tell a story about how that food came to be or maybe discuss the cuisine.

Ganesha (source)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 2 Story: The Day The Earth Was Saved By A Video Gamer.

In a kingdom far far away, there lived a king. This kingdom was small and hidden in the mountains, but they were very influential in the science community. This country produced the technology to get rid of pollution in fresh water and oceans. They also made major advances in space exploration. The king worked with his close advisors and funded the most elite labs in the world.

One day a scientist by the name of Reece can across a disturbing piece of evidence. His calculations showed that there was a meteor that was on route to collide with the Earth. With this collision no life on Earth would survive. Reece ran to King Advi with the news. Without a doubt in his mind the King told his advisors and sent this notice out to all his allies. In the span of twenty-four hours the world was in panic and struck with fear at their impending doom. No one knew what to do. Everyone was either buying out grocery stores for supplies or trying to figure out what they could do to survive. The world was in complete chaos.

While the world was falling apart there was a young man by the name of Torre. He was not interested in the world of science. He made his name in the videogame community and has major influence worldwide. He came across the data that the scientist collected and found a major mistake in his calculations. The meteor is not going to collide with the Earth! He tried to take his finding to the King but he would not listen. Torre did not know what to do. Then he realized that he has a huge online presence and that he use that to help him get his word out!
t didn’t take long for Torre to spread the news that the world wasn’t ending. With the aid of his followers and the power of the internet he was able to stop the world-wide panic. Soon after the king called forth Torre and gave him the title of Count Torre. The world was saved all thanks to him.

Authors note- I used the story of the Rabbit thinking that the was breaking up. The basis of the story was notating how group mentality can cause chaos. It also had a theme that strong leadership can guide people in the right direction. I used inspiration from the roles that the characters had and created parallels for those characters. 

Bibliography- The Foolish, Timid Rabbit by Ellen C. Babbitt.

An image of a meteor, Source

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology.

 The Foolish Timid Rabbit

  • Rabbit had a dream of the world breaking up 
  •  When the coconut fell he made it to where his dream came true. He didn't take time to really see what was going on
  • Animals took the word of one rabbit and all started running
    • group mentality 
  • Lion- king of the jungle= leader
    • This lion was able to calm all the other animals. Sense of strength, respect, and fear
The story highlighted how group mentality can lead to very bad events. With the right leadership you can control what has lost control. Through guidance like from the lion, the out of control animals were guided back to their normal life. 
Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt.
Illustration by Ellsworth Young.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 2 Reading Overview

I chose PDE Ramayana as the one that I am going to read. I chose it because it is free lol. Also because there is audio to it. I am used to listening to audio books so I think it'll be helpful. 
Tales of Balarama
This story seems similar to american folklore. That is why I chose this story.  

This story kind of reminds me of dramatic bollywood movies. I kind of hope that it is. 

I chose this for the same reason as the first, there is a folktale vibe to it and that's my favorite genre.

A Diwali Story: Rama and Sita Defeat Ravana, the Demon King

A few of my friends celebrate Diwali and I chose this video because I want to learn more about Diwali.

Diwali (source

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Time Strategies

Time management is something that I struggle with. It's no secret to myself. It is something that I work on all the time. With this class being all online, it does make me nervous. I have taken measures to make sure I stay on top of all the assignments and I have incentives as well. Like after I finish all my work for the week I plan on treating myself to a boba tea. 
I read The Psychology of Checklists by Lauren Marchese and learned about making SMART goals. I'll start to implement this in our class in the hopes of bringing it into my daily life and other classes as well.
Then I read Realistic Study Plans by Amanda Collins and learned that planned your study time is the best method. I learned that trial and error is okay. So I plan to start with the schedule that you provided and see how that works for week two. If I have a hard time then I'll try something new.
Time management (Source)


Technology is definitely not my forte. For example, I struggled getting started on Blogger the first week of class. What I love about it though is how easy it makes my life once I get the hang of it! It took me two days to get used to Blogger! Everything listed on online course wiki sounded familiar for the most part. I've never used any of it before but I had hear of them. I'm excited to widen my horizon and learn how to use these tools.

Technology mood (Source


The idea of this class at first seemed kind of strange to me. However, the more that I work on it and the more that I open up to it, I seem to love it more and more. The work seemed like a lot at first but after managing my time and setting aside an hour everyday specifically for this course, everything became more manageable. I'm excited to start interacting with my peers next week!!!

The image shows pure excitement. (source)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Growth Mindset.

Growth Mindset

I have never heard about who Carol Dweck was but I did hear about similar ideas to growth mindset. Like I have heard about not giving kids participation trophies because it's rewarding behavior that is expected. I personally don't have a strong stance on this topic only because I just don't have the experience or the knowledge. I see both sides of nurturing and being realistic. Maybe there isn't just one way.  Maybe the answer is to use both methods.

growth mindset meme


Sheneka 101

Hello! My name is Sheneka and I am a senior majoring in Biology. My hopes are to graduate in December 2019 and get certified to teach in Oklahoma. I want to teach high school biology or any life science. My hope is to make sure that young kids do not lose any passion or love for the sciences. Oklahoma is very low in the education ranking. I want to make sure that the kids in Oklahoma get the best education possible and keep their passion.
One thing I love to share with others is my culture. My family is from Bangladesh. We travel there often to visit family. For winter break we got to go and celebrate my cousin's wedding. It was a week long of festivities. Something that is different in Bengali culture than western culture is the wedding. Everything from the ceremonies, the formal attire, and even the food are all different and create the experience. This winter my cousin got married and it was a week long extravaganza! We decorated the house in lights and had color fights. We also had formal events like the wedding and the reception. Having varying elements like that is why I enjoy these weddings so much. Also the fact that I get to dress up and wear cultural clothes. Getting to visit Bangladesh is one of my favorite things because it makes me feel closer to my culture.
I am also a Chick-fil-a addict. I truly love them so much. My freshman year all I ate was Chik-fil-a. With my meal plan I would use six of the weekly meals I had towards Chik-fil-a. It got so bad that my best friend told her adviser about it and he called me and asked if I was okay. It is probably one of my favorite stories to share about my freshman year.

Here is an image of a group of ladies shopping for a sari

Storybook Favorite

The Story Of Ravana

The aesthetic of this blog post was great. It fit well with the theme and the story. The introduction did a good job of explaining who Ravana is. I have no had no prior knowledge to who he is. For someone like me, it was really great to have the author take their time to explain to me who Ravana is. 

Elephants in India!

The layout of this blog was good. However, from looking over it and going through it I picked up some ideas for my blog. The paragraphs were a bit too lengthy for my personal taste. So for my blog I am going to try and keep points concise. That may change though. I'm not sure just yet. 

This was by far my favorite of the 3 that I read. The story was enticing and the theme fit the story. What I say in this blog post that I want to incorporate in mine is the "next page" link at the bottom of each page. I thought it was a useful tool for the reader. 

This image was used in Elephants in India!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My Favorite Place


My family is originally from Bangladesh. We make it our goal to go at least once every two years. However, it has been five years since the last time we went. I got to go back this past December and it was the best. I got to hangout with family, sight see, shop, and see the villages. Bangladesh feels like home and that is why it is my favorite place.

Test Post

This is my test post.