Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology.

 The Foolish Timid Rabbit

  • Rabbit had a dream of the world breaking up 
  •  When the coconut fell he made it to where his dream came true. He didn't take time to really see what was going on
  • Animals took the word of one rabbit and all started running
    • group mentality 
  • Lion- king of the jungle= leader
    • This lion was able to calm all the other animals. Sense of strength, respect, and fear
The story highlighted how group mentality can lead to very bad events. With the right leadership you can control what has lost control. Through guidance like from the lion, the out of control animals were guided back to their normal life. 
Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt.
Illustration by Ellsworth Young.

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