Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part B

Bharata Returns
Bharata informed Bharata of his fathers death
-strong mother
wanted to kill his mother
but spared her

The Funeral
Bharata hosts the funeral of his father

Rama and Bharata
Bharata leaves on his journey to find rama
- Lion King
-Nala goes to Find Simba after Simba has been

The Sandals
Rama does not want to return to Ayodhya
Bharata will take Rama's sandals to represent Rama in ayodhya in his absense
Bharata said he will not return to Ayodhya without Rama

Origin story of Sita.
This could be used in a retall
Kind of like an origin story of a superhero

Sita is abducted by a demon
Wants her to be his wife
He can not be hurt by weapons
Put the demon into a pit

Shurpanakha And Rama
Ravana's sister falls in love with rama
He does not show interest in her
Rama suggests she goes for his brother

Lakshmana and Shurpanakha
Shurpanakha is angered because she felt ridiculed by Rama
She fights them

Battle with Khara
Rama defeats Khara

Ravana and maricha
Ravana wants maicha's help to abduct Sita

Golden Deer
Sita is enchanted by a golden deer
she asks rama to go get the deer
this was ravana's plan

Ravana and Sita
Ravana disguises himself to get close to Sita

Battles with Rama to save sita
drops jewelry to help rama to find her
Hansel and grettle

M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder. Ramayana
PDE Ramayana
Ramayan TV series (Source)

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