Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part A

King Dasharatha-
Ayodhya- capital of Koshala
Could be setting of story
Almost like holy land
Not having a son made the King sad
- A male can be a kings only successor. Without a son the King had no one to leave his kingdom to.

Dasharatha's Son
ashwanedha- grant them an heir
21 sacrifices
Gods promised four sons to Dasharatha
- This story was about the sacrifice and ritual that Dasharatha performed to gain an heir. And he got 4
After the 21 sacrifices Dasharatha was given four heirs.
This could lead to issues later

Rama avatar of Vishnu
Vishnu split into 4 as the heir of Dasharatha
Rama is to Jesus as Vishnu is to God???

Their journey was a right of passage
An unforeseen battle awaits...

Sons of Dasharatha would not fight Thataka
Weapons arrive when needed- like Harry Potter
Chamber of secrets- sword appearing when Harry needed it most

Himalayas- holy place
Horse sacrafice
Horse was stolen
60,000 uncles died
I didn't understand this story

I could tell my story in poem form
or include a poem in my story
Love story
A love triangle between a husband wife and Indra

A bow- an earned prize
Almost like only certain people can carry the bow
Sita will go to the one who can bend the bow

Rama wins Sita
Rama wins the challenge
Sita becomes his bride
but the bow snapped

Avatar of Vishnu
Gives rama a test
Rama gains a new weapon

Rama and all his brothers marry girls from the Janaka family

The Heir
Dasharatha needed an heir
He chose Rama

Rama is exiled
Kind of like the Lion King

Dasharatha was cursed to lose his son
He lost Rama
This is Karma

Dasharatha died without his sons

M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder. Ramayana
PDE Ramayana

Ramayan TV series (Source)

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