Sunday, January 20, 2019


Technology is definitely not my forte. For example, I struggled getting started on Blogger the first week of class. What I love about it though is how easy it makes my life once I get the hang of it! It took me two days to get used to Blogger! Everything listed on online course wiki sounded familiar for the most part. I've never used any of it before but I had hear of them. I'm excited to widen my horizon and learn how to use these tools.

Technology mood (Source

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sheneka. I agree with you 100%. Technology does not come quick to me either. When I first saw that we were using blogs and other tools I was unsure I would get the hang out of it. However, since we constantly are blogging it is now super easy. I know how to make memes and that is about it when it comes to technology.
