Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 2 Reading Overview

I chose PDE Ramayana as the one that I am going to read. I chose it because it is free lol. Also because there is audio to it. I am used to listening to audio books so I think it'll be helpful. 
Tales of Balarama
This story seems similar to american folklore. That is why I chose this story.  

This story kind of reminds me of dramatic bollywood movies. I kind of hope that it is. 

I chose this for the same reason as the first, there is a folktale vibe to it and that's my favorite genre.

A Diwali Story: Rama and Sita Defeat Ravana, the Demon King

A few of my friends celebrate Diwali and I chose this video because I want to learn more about Diwali.

Diwali (source

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