Sunday, January 27, 2019

Topic Brainstorm

Four Topics

1) Creation Stories- I think this topic will be exciting to work with because I've always been familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. It will be a new experience learning about the creation stories of other faiths. Like what the Project List said, there are as many creation stories as there are gods. I'll need to narrow down my topic because I feel that creation stories is too broad. I might specifically work on Brahma.
Retelling a creation story seems tricky. I want to make sure that I do it justice. That's why I think researching very well is important for this topic because I do not have any prior knowledge.

2)  Ganesha- I chose Ganesha because he is so iconic. He has made his way into western culture and he is probably the God I am most familiar with. Specifically due to the fact that he has an elephant head.
For Ganesha I think I want to tell his story. Talk about how his life was or how he became the one to write the Mahabharata. Maybe something like a biography.

3)Traveling India- I chose this topic because it seemed realistic. Like I could actually plan my trip to India starting now. I have a rough idea of what I want to do when I get an opportunity to go. So I'll incorporate those into my story. Or I'll re-tell a folktale with a modern twist. Like use new landmarks and modern transportation.

4) Food- I chose food because Indian food is my favorite! I know that there are certain foods made on certain holidays and I want to look into that for the project. I could re-tell a story about how that food came to be or maybe discuss the cuisine.

Ganesha (source)

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