Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My Favorite Place


My family is originally from Bangladesh. We make it our goal to go at least once every two years. However, it has been five years since the last time we went. I got to go back this past December and it was the best. I got to hangout with family, sight see, shop, and see the villages. Bangladesh feels like home and that is why it is my favorite place.


  1. I am so excited that there is someone from Bangladesh in the class this semester, Sheneka! There is actually a famous Bengali version of the Ramayana for example:
    Krittivasi Ramayan: maybe that is something you will want to learn about for this class! :-)

  2. Hey Sheneka! That is so exciting that your family is originally from Bangladesh. I would love to visit Bangladesh and try the delicious food. As you can tell I am a big foodie. You have to tell me about your Bangladesh trip whenever I see you! It is so exciting to leave Oklahoma and go travel. Bangladesh is one of the places I would love to see. Do you have any recommendations of places I should visit?
