Sunday, January 20, 2019

Time Strategies

Time management is something that I struggle with. It's no secret to myself. It is something that I work on all the time. With this class being all online, it does make me nervous. I have taken measures to make sure I stay on top of all the assignments and I have incentives as well. Like after I finish all my work for the week I plan on treating myself to a boba tea. 
I read The Psychology of Checklists by Lauren Marchese and learned about making SMART goals. I'll start to implement this in our class in the hopes of bringing it into my daily life and other classes as well.
Then I read Realistic Study Plans by Amanda Collins and learned that planned your study time is the best method. I learned that trial and error is okay. So I plan to start with the schedule that you provided and see how that works for week two. If I have a hard time then I'll try something new.
Time management (Source)

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