Thursday, January 17, 2019


Sheneka 101

Hello! My name is Sheneka and I am a senior majoring in Biology. My hopes are to graduate in December 2019 and get certified to teach in Oklahoma. I want to teach high school biology or any life science. My hope is to make sure that young kids do not lose any passion or love for the sciences. Oklahoma is very low in the education ranking. I want to make sure that the kids in Oklahoma get the best education possible and keep their passion.
One thing I love to share with others is my culture. My family is from Bangladesh. We travel there often to visit family. For winter break we got to go and celebrate my cousin's wedding. It was a week long of festivities. Something that is different in Bengali culture than western culture is the wedding. Everything from the ceremonies, the formal attire, and even the food are all different and create the experience. This winter my cousin got married and it was a week long extravaganza! We decorated the house in lights and had color fights. We also had formal events like the wedding and the reception. Having varying elements like that is why I enjoy these weddings so much. Also the fact that I get to dress up and wear cultural clothes. Getting to visit Bangladesh is one of my favorite things because it makes me feel closer to my culture.
I am also a Chick-fil-a addict. I truly love them so much. My freshman year all I ate was Chik-fil-a. With my meal plan I would use six of the weekly meals I had towards Chik-fil-a. It got so bad that my best friend told her adviser about it and he called me and asked if I was okay. It is probably one of my favorite stories to share about my freshman year.

Here is an image of a group of ladies shopping for a sari


  1. Hi Sheneka!
    I'm a social studies education major! Did you ever thing about being a science education major? Instead of alternately certifying? Why do you want to be a teacher beyond science?
    Those weddings sound awesome!! I'm Wichita and I love expressing my culture, but we don't get any week long weddings.
    If I had the opportunity to eat Chickfila for every meal of the week I so would. What do you get? I really like their cob salad with nuggets. My go to is the chicken sandwich with fries though. Do you have a favorite sauce?

  2. Hi Sheneka!
    I really admire your passion for education and sciences. I'm not an education major anymore, but I was an early education major until sophomore year, and I worked at a preschool in Norman for two years, so I understand your love for teaching. Getting to build relationships with kiddos and see how the learn and grow is the absolute best.
    I also am obsessed with chick fil a. If I am ever trying to grab something fast to eat, chick fil a is always one of my options. I also have a huge sweet tooth, and I'm a sucker for their ice cream, it's SO good.

  3. Hi Sheneka,
    I am a microbiology major here at OU so I can understand your love and passion for the subject. I think it is so amazing and honorable that you want to be a teacher here in Oklahoma, both of my parents are teachers and I think it is the most difficult but rewarding profession. I am also very fascinated about the wedding you described! A week full of events sounds trying but also so much fun and to be surrounded by family is truly amazing!

  4. Hey Sheneka! I admire how passionate you are about the major you chose to study. I think it's really neat that you want to help ignite a passion for science in children and teens in Oklahoma. Teaching is a really neat passion, and it definitely takes a special type of (compassionate, patient, and kind) person to do it. Your addiction to Chick-Fil-A is too relatable, I felt that on a spiritual level, haha. I can tell you are extremely proud of your culture, which is awesome. The image you shared of the women shopping for saris was also really neat, those patterns are so beautiful! I was interested to learn about the differences in western and Bengali weddings. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My name is Maria Cecilia Cox-Fuenzalida, not MC, haha.

  5. Hi Sheneka,

    I love that you are so passionate about what you want to do with your career. It is very inspiring that you want kids in school to appreciate science. I think weddings in Bengali culture are so beautiful. The bright clothing and dancing has always been captivating to me. I cannot believe Bengali wedding is a week long celebration. It much be so fun. I wish to experience that one day. Your story about Chick-fil-a had me laughing. I too love Chick-fil-a but probably not as much as you do. The sweet tea there is just too good.


  6. Hello Sheneka,
    It is nice to meet you! I think it is great that you want to teach. It's great that you do not want kids to lose their passion for science and in education. I am a biology major myself. Also, the Bengali wedding sounds beautiful. I hope to go to one someday. I love dressing up and dressing up for a whole week to celebrate someone's wedding sounds amazing.
    Your classmate,
    Joanna Yoon

  7. Hi Sheneka,

    I love your concern for the education in Oklahoma. It is true that our ranking is low, which is sad. Also, I love the fact that you shared how weddings work within your culture. I absolutely love learning about new cultures. I am a Letters and Religious Studies dual major so I have been attempting to learn about different cultures and find them increasingly fascinating.
    I'm not a sucker for Chick-fil-a, but I do love their milkshakes. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Sheneka,
    I think it's really admirable that you wish to be a teacher in Oklahoma. First of all, teachers are not appreciated enough, and to add onto that teaching in Oklahoma is very underfunded so I really respect your career goals. Secondly, I think your culture is really interesting, and how you describe Bengali weddings makes them seem so fun and full of life.

  9. I am so glad to meet a future teacher, Sheneka! As you can probably guess, I think teaching is a wonderful career: it means you get to keep on learning new things all the time... and getting to share in the excitement of other people learning new things. I've been teaching this class for a gazillion years, but new things happen every semester: like meeting a student who has family connections that lead to Bangladesh! Bengali culture is full of so many beautiful things: literature, poetry, music, all kinds of stories and art. And you have actually been there to see and enjoy it: wow! Now when you are reading about the epic weddings (and there will be some epic weddings to come in the Mahabharata too), you can imagine that with all the color and excitement of the Bengali weddings you have experienced for real in person! Wonderful!

  10. Hi Sheneka!
    I think it is so cool that you are wanting to teach life science for high schoolers in Oklahoma! Is there a particular area of Oklahoma that you like to teach in? I love going to weddings as well! I have not been to one in since high school, but I do love seeing the different aspects and traditions weddings have across different cultures. Also, I totally feel the same way about Chik-fil-a. I used to get it all the time in high school, and I definitely have to control myself to not get it all the time (it probably helps that it is far away from my house hahaha).

  11. I'm super happy that you'e inspired to make sure Oklahoma's education system doesn't get any worse. I too love the sciences, especially Biology. Thanks for sharing information about your culture to us, it's really cool that weddings are seen as a much bigger ordeal in Bangladesh than in the USA! I never understood how people liked Chick-fil-A, especially if you eat it everyday! But hey, at least you found a fast food soulmate!

  12. Hi Sheneka,

    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

    I’ve heard all sorts of things about Bangladeshi, Indian, etc. weddings, seen more in movies, and so on, and they seem like such incredible events! The amount of preparation, care, and the sheer scale of the thing, even for the most modest families, is remarkable. Best wishes to your cousin! (I’m guessing Chic-fil-a isn’t on the menu at many authentic Bangladeshi weddings – though you might just have to change that when you get the chance!)


  13. Hello Sheneka!

    I always enjoy reading the Intro of our classmates, but it is not often that an Intro makes me smile as yours did! I love the Chik-fil-a story! I can't imagine how that conversation went, haha. It makes me curious as to the different types of conversations advisors may have with students. I bet there are some interesting stories. I loved reading about your cousin's wedding. I now want to go to a wedding and enjoy those festivities. I know we may not know one another, but you should consider me as your plus 1 for the next wedding! :) Are there any cultural activities that you are able to do in Oklahoma? Perhaps a community of people from Bangladesh? I would love to hear about that too! Take care, and thanks for sharing!!

  14. Hi Sheneka!

    Oh my goodness that sentence about how addicted you were to Chick fil a spoke to my soul. I ate it every single day at least once, normally twice. Now I don't like their chicken nuggets nearly as much as I used to because I think I burned myself out. Their fries are still fire though. Also, their Market Salad is so yummy if you haven't tried it. I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  15. Hi Sheneka, that's a really admirable goal. I think anyone who helps or teaches children is really cool. Especially since you want to stay local in Oklahoma since we kind of suck education-wise. I hope you can achieve your goals and they will be rewarding! Take care

    - NitroDubbz

  16. Hi Sheneka, I hope you become a good teacher. I recall that all of the teachers that I had knew nothing about their subjects. That was a frustrating experience. I must say I enjoyed your chick-fil-a story. I absolutely love chick-fil-a, and I think its the best fast food restaurant around. I hope you have a great semester. Good luck.

  17. Hi Sheneka, I enjoyed reading your introduction post! I think it is pretty great you want to be a teacher and more importantly want to be a teacher in Oklahoma to try and make things better! Most everyone I know doing the teacher route seems to only run away from Oklahoma. Texas and Oklahoma are neighbor states and yet one state has one of the greatest education systems while the other has one of the worst. Loved reading your introduction post again and wish you the best in your teaching career!


  18. Hi, Sheneka! So nice to meet you! It’s really cool that you’re so passionate in teaching the younger kids about science. I feel like that’s something really important, especially in Oklahoma. Our education ranking is pretty low, but I think that with future teachers like you, there shouldn’t be a reason why it wouldn’t rise. If I had a teacher as dedicated and passionate about teaching as you, I would probably loved school much more when I was younger.

  19. Sheneka,

    You are so cute! I did not realize you were in this course. I love how passionate you are, how hard-working you are, and how dedicated you are. You will definitely succeed in your goals, and I am so excited to see where it takes you. I have never heard your Chick-Fil-A story before. I really laughed out loud after reading that. You and Krits are their biggest fans I am sure!

  20. Hey Shenaka,
    It’s really cool that you are majoring in biology. I really liked how you talked about what you want to do in the future. I hope that you are successful in your endeavor. I’m also a chick-fil-a addict. I relate to extravagant weddings. When my cousin got married in India it seemed that it would never end. But it was a lot of fun. I really like your introduction and hope you have a good rest of the semester.

  21. Hi Sheneka, I also was majoring is biology when I came to college but made the decision to switch last year, but that is awesome you stuck with it! The fact you mentioned Chik-fil-a is making me hungry right now haha, great choice in the fast food department. The wedding you described sounded amazing, and I hope as I get older, the more weddings from various cultures I get to experience!

  22. Hi Sheneka,
    I think it's awesome that you want to be a teacher so you can help kids. It's nice to see that you've found something your passionate about. I'm sure a lot of other people have said this but love Chick-fil-a too! Especially the waffle fries. I'm South Asian too so I can definitely relate to the weddings you're talking about. Thank you for sharing and hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  23. Hi Sheneka, it is awesome you want to help keep education/science appealing. We need people with this mindset! Also your chick-fil-a story resonates with me. I definitely have phases where all I will eat is a particular food because of the taste/easiness. My freshman year I was to Couch's grilled cheese sandwiches as you were to Chick-fil-a. I know a grilled cheese isn't extraordinary, but it was so convenient and I didn't have much access to food in the dorms and wanted to utilize my meals. Anyway, you seem like a hard-working, funny individual and I look forward to reading more!

  24. Hello Shenaka! I love how you want to become a teacher in the future because we need that! It is one of the things I rarely see most people passion about and I am glad you are! You seem very inspiring and have long term goals that could change people lives. And it is awesome how much you love Chick-fil-a! I eat it two times a week and I refuse to call it a fast food. I wish you the best of luck!

  25. Hi Shenaka, I also love Chick-Fil-A and I am pretty sure that everyone does! Your family history is so interesting and I am so jealous that you get to travel to such a beautiful country! The color patterns are also beautiful and very extravagant. I looked forward to reading your stories!

  26. Hi Sheneka,
    One of the cool things that I have noticed about other cultures is how different the weddings can be. It is a huge part of most every culture, but they can be vastly different in how they carried out. Also, wow. I mean that is a seriously funny Chick-Fil-A story. I get having an intervention on some of the worse things in life, but Chick-Fil-A is just juicy chicken. What kind of person should stop eating yumminess?

  27. Hey Sheneka!
    It's so great you want to be a teacher, especially here in Oklahoma. I just finished reading your Week 12 story and I now understand better why you chose to write it in the style you did, aimed at kids! Also really cool that you're from Bangladesh, and it sounds like the weddings back home are a lot of fun. Definitely a place I would like to visit someday. It was nice to meet you!

  28. Howdy Sheneka,

    I commend you on your passion to work with kids. I think it takes a special type of person to work with elementary through high school aged students because let's get real sometimes they are not the most pleasant age group. I also love Chick-Fil-a, and I also have quite the addiction to it! Good luck on the last few weeks of the semester!

  29. Hi Sheneka,
    It is very nice to meet you and hear all about you love for teaching as well as your background. I am sure experiencing your cousins wedding was amazing and far from what we are used to over here! I really respect your love for teaching and hopes to teach in Oklahoma. So often the pay in Oklahoma as a teachers causes them to go elsewhere so I really respect you wanting to stay in order to better the education here.

  30. Hi Sheneka,

    It is so great to meet you. It was refreshing to see how you passionate and determined you are about being an educator and making sure Oklahoma doesn't continue to get left behind in the education system. Your passion is to be commended and admired. It is also extremely cool that you are from Bangladesh. The wedding you went to sounds so fun! I hope one day I will get to travel more and be enriched by other cultures.

  31. Hey Sheneka,

    I think it is hilarious that you got called into the advisers office for eating so much chick fil a. I roughly spend about $25 a week at Thai Delight on Campus Corner and I get the same worried looks from my friends as I suggest to get Thai food every other night. There's nothing wrong with liking good food haha! Good luck with your teaching after graduation, it is a very noble cause and I applaud you!

  32. Hey Sheneka!
    I would love to go to a week long wedding/reception! My dad's family is Jewish and they are known for their wild weddings, but they don't compare to a week long celebration. Its honestly the right way to start the next chapter of your life! Celebrate!

  33. Hi Sheneka!
    It's so cool that you want to stay and give back to Oklahoma. We could really use more teachers with a passion like yours. I think a lot of kids would enjoy math and science if only they were taught it in an engaging and accessible way. I wish you the best of luck in your studies.

  34. Hi Sheneka!
    I think it is very amazing that you are majoring in biology. I like that your goal is to become a teacher because they are always needed and important for kids learning. I also like how you want to help keep their passion alive for the sciences. This is because it is so important for children to be able to understand the world around them.
